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Cloud Computing Programs Now Offered at Delgado Community College
December 06, 2019
Students attending Delgado Community College can now pursue a 60-credit-hour Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Cloud Computing or a 12-credit-hour Career and Technical Certificate (C.T.C) in Cloud Computing Foundations.
The Cloud Computing A.A.S. takes a multi-departmental approach, including core curriculum from Computer Network Technology, Computer Information Technology and Business Studies, to provide students with cloud computing knowledge suited for entry-level positions in a variety of industries or disciplines who utilize cloud technology services.
Students currently majoring in Computer Information Technology (CMIN) can easily earn the additional C.T.C. by enrolling in CMIN 233 Cloud Foundations for Spring 2020.
For more information, visit https://www.dcc.edu/go/cloud, email ccinfo@dcc.edu or call 504-671-6024.