Adult Learner

dad and daughter at desk working & studying

When You Choose Delgado,
We've Got Your Back

Whether you are switching career fields, need further training, or returning after taking time off, you will have a dedicated Enrollment Navigator to help you with whatever you need, from today to graduation day.


View your enrollment checklist below:

Applying to Delgado is easy. There are NO application fees, and every application is automatically accepted! 


Visit your Advisor. 

  1. Meet with your advisor and make a plan.

    • Please see your advisor if you have documentation that may make you eligible for higher placement in Math or English. Advisors are also available to discuss placement testing options.
    • Contact your academic advisor prior to visiting campus. Advisors may require an appointment.*
    • If you are a transfer student, please bring unofficial transcripts to all advising sessions for proper placement and pre-requisite overrides.*
  2. Stick to the plan.

    • Register for classes online through LoLA after being advised.
  3. Graduate on time!

*If providing placement documentation such as ACT/SAT scores, college transcripts, high school/Dual Enrollment transcripts, or placement test scores, Step

When entering Delgado, you must decide how to pay for your education. There are many sources of financial aid available, and Delgado also allows students to enroll in a payment plan. Learn more about how to pay for college.