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Programs of Study
Below is a list of programs of study offered at Delgado. For more information, visit the College Catalog.
School of BusinessThe mission of the School of Business is to provide students with an in-depth study of the theories and skills necessary for success in today’s business professions, while including practical learning and community service experiences that incorporate the current trends of business and industry. LocationsCity Park Campus615 City Park Avenue West Bank Campus2600 General Meyer Avenue Make an appointment with a Business and Technology advisor on the City Park campus. |
Accounting Technology: Account ClerkCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksAccounting Technology: Account Clerk, C.T.S. college catalog listing Accounting Technology: Account Clerk program web page LocationsBusiness AdministrationCredential OfferedLinksBusiness Administration, A.S. college catalog listing Business Administration program web page LocationsBusiness and ManagementCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksBusiness and Management, A.A.S. college catalog listing Business and Management program web page LocationsCulinary ArtsCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksCulinary Arts: Line CookCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksCulinary ManagementCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksEntrepreneurshipCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksEntrepreneurship, C.T.S. college catalog listing Entrepreneurship program web page LocationsFire Science TechnologyCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksFire Science Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Hospitality ManagementCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksLogistics TechnologyCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksLogistics Technology, C.T.S. college catalog listing Logistics Technology program web page LocationsPastry ArtsCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies Links |
School of Construction Arts and Technical StudiesThe instructional programs of the Technical Division turn students into skilled employees of businesses and industries that contribute to the overall economic development and workforce needs of the state. The Technical Division provides individuals with quality and relevant learning opportunities consistent with individual student, business, and industry needs within a life-long learning environment. LocationsCity Park Campus Sidney Collier Site |
Architectural/Design Construction TechnologyCredential OfferedLinksArchitectural/Design Construction Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Architectural/Design Construction Technology program web page LocationsCivil and Construction Applied Engineering TechnologyCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksCivil and Construction Applied Engineering Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Civil and Construction Applied Engineering Technology program web page LocationComputer Aided Design and DraftingCredentials OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksComputer Aided Design and Drafting, A.A.S. college catalog listing Computer Aided Design and Drafting, C.T.S. college catalog listing Computer Aided Design and Drafting program web page LocationsResidential ConstructionCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksElectrician: CommercialCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksElectrician: ResidentialCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksElectrician: Small IndustrialCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksElectrician: Small Industrial, C.T.S. college catalog listing (Air-Conditioning) Certified HVAC TechnicianCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies Links(Air-Conditioning) Certified HVAC Technician, C.T.S. college catalog listing (Air-Conditioning) Certified HVAC Technician program web page (Air-Conditioning) Master HVAC/R TechnicianCredential OfferedLinks(Air-Conditioning) Master HVAC/R Technician, T.D. college catalog listing (Air-Conditioning) Master HVAC/R Technician program web page Industrial Maintenance TechnologyCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksIndustrial Maintenance Technology, C.T.S. college catalog listing Instrumentation and ControlCredential OfferedLinksInstrumentation and Control, A.A.S. college catalog listing Precision MachiningCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksMotor Vehicle TechnologyCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies Concentrations
LinksMotor Vehicle Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Motor Vehicle Technology, C.T.S. college catalog listing Motor Vehicle Technology program web page LocationsWelding: Flux Cored Arc Welding & Gas Metal Arc Welding (FCAW & GMAW)Credential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksWelding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)Credential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksWelding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), C.T.S. college catalog listing Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)Credential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksWelding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), C.T.S. college catalog listing |
School of Health ScienceCharity School of Nursing The mission of the Nursing School is: The nursing programs prepare students of varied backgrounds in a learning centered environment through face-to-face and distance education to provide caring and competent nursing in entry level positions to meet the healthcare needs of the community. Our graduates are renowned for their excellent patient care. Students obtain nursing experience in clinical agencies throughout the southeast Louisiana region. |
Nursing - Practical NursingCredential OfferedLinksNursing - Practical Nursing, T.D. college catalog listing Nursing - Practical Nursing program web page LocationsNursing - Registered NursingCredential OfferedLinksNursing - Registered Nursing, A.S. college catalog listing Nursing - Registered Nursing program web page Locations |
School of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and EducationIn keeping with Delgado's Mission Statement, the School of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education provides a comprehensive education in the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences. The school is also dedicated to the improvement of the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and comprehension and to the provision of a functional understanding of the relationship between language and thought. We encourage our student body to think creatively and critically and to apply their skills and knowledge to support their communities' cultural, civic, and economic growth. Contact Info:School OfficeCity Park Campus, Bldg. 1 Academic AdvisingCity Park Campus West Bank Campus |
American Sign Language InterpretingCredential OfferedLinksAmerican Sign Language Interpreting, A.A college catalog listing American Sign Language Interpreting program web page LocationCare and Development of Young ChildrenCredential OfferedLinksCare and Development of Young Children, A.A.S. college catalog listing Care and Development of Young Children program web page LocationsCriminal JusticeCredential OfferedLinksCriminal Justice, A.A. college catalog listing Criminal Justice program web page LocationsGeneral StudiesCredentials OfferedCertificate of General Studies Concentrations
LinksGeneral Studies, A.G.S. college catalog listing Teaching Grades 1-5Credential OfferedAssociate of Science in Teaching LinksTeaching Grades 1-5, A.S.T. college catalog listing Teaching Grades 1-5 program web page LocationTransfer DegreeCredentials OfferedConcentrationsArts Concentrations
Science Concentrations
LinksTransfer Degree, A.A. college catalog listing Visual Communications-Graphic DesignCredential OfferedLinksVisual Communications-Graphic Design, A.A.S. college catalog listing Visual Communication-Graphic Design program web page Location |
School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and MathematicsIn keeping with Delgado's Mission Statement, the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) prepares students to become knowledgeable citizens who can apply the principles of the Scientific Method in their lives. The school is also dedicated to keep up with the latest technical trends and to prepare students with modern skill sets most sought out by the computer and engineering industries. |
Cloud ComputingCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksCloud Computing Foundations, C.T.C. college catalog listing Cloud Computing program web page Computer and Electronics Service TechnologyCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksComputer and Electronic Service Technology, C.T.S. college catalog listing Computer Information TechnologyCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksComputer Information Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Computer Information Technology program web page LocationsComputer Network TechnologyCredentials OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksComputer Network Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Electrical-Electronics Engineering TechnologyCredential OfferedLinksElectrical-Electronics Engineering Technology, A.S. college catalog listing Electrical-Electronics Engineering Technology program web page Electronics Service TechnologyCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksElectronic Service Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Science Laboratory TechnologyCredential OfferedConcentrations
LinksScience Laboratory Technology, A.A.S. college catalog listing Science Laboratory Technology program web page LocationWeb Site DesignCredential OfferedCertificate of Technical Studies LinksWeb Dite Design, C.T.S. college catalog listing Web Dite Design program web page Locations |
Types of Credentials
Below is a listing of the credential types awarded at Delgado Community College.
Associate Degree
The Associate (non-designated) degree is awarded in programs designed to prepare students for immediate employment or career entry, but which also may serve as preparatory education for transfer to a related baccalaureate program.
Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of Science (A.S.)
These degrees allow the recipient to transfer with advanced standing to a four-year institution.
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
These are awarded in vocational and technical areas. Although some courses taken to fulfill requirements for this degree may be accepted by senior institutions, this degree is normally considered to be a terminal degree.
Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.)
These are awarded upon completion of a highly flexible program designed by the student in consultation with an advisor. Depending upon the courses chosen, the degree may be either college parallel or terminal. This degree may be designed with a concentration in almost any discipline or pre-professional studies.
Technical Diploma (T.D.)
This is an applied, technical program strictly limited to community and technical colleges.
Certificate of Applied Science (C.A.S.)
This is awarded upon completion of a course of study designed to prepare students for immediate employment or career entry.
Certificate of General Studies (C.G.S.)
This is designed to provide students with a broad foundation of fundamental academic courses. It offers students the opportunity to increase readiness for collegiate study while exploring career pathways. It allows students who intend to transfer to senior colleges the opportunity to choose courses that meet the admission requirements of the receiving institution.
Certificate of Technical Studies (C.T.S.)
This is awarded upon completion of a course of study designed to prepare students for immediate employment or career entry.
Post-Associate Certificate (P.A.C.)
An academic or technical offering that is earned after a student has already completed a recognized associate's degree, usually for additional professional or technical certification.