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How to Start Classes Right on Day 1
Welcome to Delgado! As you anticipate the beginning of the new semester, you may need some help remembering everything you need to do to be as prepared as possible. Here's a short list of tasks that you must not forget!
The Start Right Steps of Being Prepared
(download PDF of the Start Right Steps)
Delgado email addresses are not created until 2 weeks before the first day of school.
Log into LoLA to learn your Delgado email address and make sure your preferred email address is correct. Click for Instructions
Visit Delgado's Student Technology Resource Page for additional services.
You must have a Delgado Email before you reserve your textbooks.
All Delgado students are automatically enrolled in Course Complete. Reserve your textbooks and learn more about the textbook program: Delgado Course Complete.
The Delgado Bookstore is open late approximately 2 weeks before school begins. Check out the Bookstore website for Extended hours.
ConexEd is a platform that allows visitors, prospects, applicants, and students to connect with departments and services regardless of location. You'll find it easier than ever to schedule appointments, meet with Financial Aid Counselors, Admissions Counselors, and Academic Advisors. Through ConexEd you can access your Student Support Center where you will find the team members that Delgado has assign to you. These team members will be able to set up a to do list for you, set up alerts, reminders and more to keep you on track to meet your educational goals.
Download the Delgado App to access email, Canvas (online classroom), and many other resources.
Register your vehicle with Campus Police and obtain a parking decal.
For details, visit the parking information page.
ID cards are not available until 48 hours after you have secured your classes. Only students who secure their classes can receive an ID card.
Get a Delgado ID card from the ID card office.
- If you lose your ID, there is a $10.00 replacement fee payable to the Bursar’s Office.
You can select a refund preference 72 hours after registering for classes.
Select a Refund Preference.
Delgado Community College utilizes BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. to provide students with options for receiving refunds. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoicessso/. Simply follow these steps to make your refund preference selection:
- Log in to your LoLA (Delgado’s online student portal) account
- Select how you want your refund delivered.
Many of these services are not available until the first day of school. Student will not see their courses in Canvas until the first day of school.
- eCanvas (Online Classroom)
- Access to online student resources (including Free 24/7 Homework Help)
- Library
- The Center for Writing, Reading, and Communications
- Office 365 (provided by Delgado's Office of Information Technology)
- LinkedIn Learning

Need more help?
For more in-depth information navigating the entire Delgado enrollment process, visit our Enrollment Checklist.