Hospitality Management

male bartender and female serverAre you looking for something that’s more than a job? More than a paycheck? 

Are you looking to change your career or find a place where you truly belong? 

Well, you’ve found it! 

Hospitality is much more than a job…. Much more than a career… The hospitality industry is a LIFESTYLE INDUSTRY. 

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As the largest employer in the world, the hospitality industry is made up of passionate people working together to create enriching experiences for guests in hotels, restaurants, venues, sporting complexes, museums, festivals, meetings, cruise ships, and more – all around the world. If you are dedicated to providing exceptional service and creating memorable experiences for clients, guests, or patrons – you belong in hospitality. Our careers are in every city, every state, and every global destination. 

Delgado’s Hospitality Management Program gives students the training, education, and resources to excel in multiple areas of the industry, giving students tools to create meaningful work-life integration. You will learn transferrable skills that allow you to blend your passion and desired work lifestyle in an industry blossoming with upward trajectory.  

Whether your desired work lifestyle is found in fine dining restaurants, luxury hotels, elegant venues, outdoor festivals, casual bars, or eclectic museums – the Delgado Hospitality Management Program stands at the ready to help get you one step closer to unstoppable.

Is Hospitality Management Right for Me? 

While there is a place for everyone in the hospitality industry, our program teaches several transferrable skill sets that students will use as they apply for – and secure – management level positions:  

  • Learn to deliver customer-centric and personalized experiences that enhance the quality of life for you the student, your clients/guests, AND the employees you manage. 
  • Understand how cultural and social Influences impact the sales and promotion of hospitality-based services like destination management, hotels, restaurants, events, attractions, or other hospitality-based service providers or supplier partners. Quickly identifying cultural, social, and lifestyle trends allows managers to rapidly adapt to changes in consumer preferences, dietary choices, leisure activities, event trends, and more, resulting in higher revenue for business owners, associations, and corporations.
  • Develop and render exceptional hospitality-based goods and services in your preferred work lifestyle environment, understanding how to manage and increase profits and operate a business in good legal standing.  
  • Contribute to strengthening the economy by directly employing community talent, local vendors, and the community’s culture bearers.  
  • Harness effective networking techniques to secure prospective clients, meet potential employers, scout future employees, and connect with industry colleagues to maintain an active web of influence in the hospitality industry.  
  • Actively affect positive change in your personal well-being daily as well as guests, employees, and the community at large by providing experiential and growth opportunities for each individual you encounter.

Sounds exciting, right? It is! 

Let’s #FindYourLifestyle

Program Features

  • Integrates both academic instruction and practical applications
  • Accepts a variety of prior learning credits and industry credentials
  • Offers six concentration options based on high demand and high wage potential
  • Offers flexible delivery formats: in person and online
  • Degree may be earned 100 percent online
  • Program recognized by the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA)

Program Mission Statement

Provide a comprehensive hospitality management program in a learning-centered environment through face-to-face and distance education that prepares students to attain their educational, career, and personal goals; to think critically; to demonstrate leadership; and to be productive and responsible citizens.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Hospitality Associate of Applied Science program, the learner will be able to:

  • List and describe operations relative to the provision of goods and services in hospitality management (SLO #1)
  • Distinguish and explain the reports of financial management to operations related to hospitality management (SLO#2)
  • List and describe hospitality computer applications, management information systems, and quantitative methods(SLO #3)
  • Examine foundations of management, leadership, and human resources in hospitality management (SLO #4)
  • Write effectively and use interpersonal communication skills (SLO #5)
  • Describe the impact of a global perspective and diversity issues as related to hospitality management (SLO #6)
  • Review the various career opportunities within the hospitality industry (SLO #7)
  • Examine the legal and ethical considerations affecting lodging organizations (SLO #8)

Program Catalog Page

Learn more about this program in the College Catalog.