Directions to Maritime and Industrial Training Facility

13200 Old Gentilly Road
New Orleans, LA 70129

From the West of New Orleans 

  • If you are coming into New Orleans from the West, I-310, I-10 or the Pontchartrain Causeway, get onto I-10 or I-610 heading towards New Orleans East.
  • Cross over the High Rise Bridge and continue Eastward on I-10.
  • Exit I-10 at Exit 246A South onto I-510 (Chalmette).
  • Continue South on I-510 (2.3 miles) to Exit 2C Almonaster.
  • Follow the directions below labeled NEXT.

From the East of New Orleans

  • If you are entering New Orleans from Mississippi or point East, enter New Orleans via I-10 going West.
  • Exit I-10 at Exit 246A South onto I-510 (Chalmette exit).
  • Continue South on I-510 (2.3 miles) to Exit 2C Almonaster.
  • Follow the directions below labeled NEXT.


  • As soon as you exit I-510 at Exit 2C, the road will fork.
  • Remain to the left and take the first left turn at the stop sign.
  • Cross over the overpass.
  • Continue straight for less than 1 mile and you will see the green Delgado sign on the right side of the road, by the old brake tag station, and immediately before you get to NASA.
  • Enter the main gate and go to the rear on the main road.
  • Take a left at the end of the main road to the Fire School, past the gate. 
  • You may park in the lot outside the gate or in the inside of the gate.


Download the Maritime Site Map (PDF)



GPS latitude and longitude coordinates: 30.016280, -89.925040