Campus Safety

Escort Services

The Delgado Community College Campus Police Department offers escorts to student’s staff, faculty and visitors. Contact Campus Police to request an escort at 504-671-6112.

Comprehensive Safety Program

Delgado Community College is committed to providing a safe environment for students, employees, visitors, and persons using College facilities. A comprehensive safety program has been established to address the various threats to the safety of the College’s constituents. The College works in cooperation with appropriate federal, state and external agencies – in particular the State of Louisiana Office of Risk Management, which is responsible for coordination, implementation and maintenance of safety and loss prevention programs within all State agencies. Furthermore, Delgado strives for adherence to and compliance with all safety-related laws and regulations. Comprehensive Program: A College-wide Structure Delgado’s commitment to a college-wide safety program is demonstrated by the adherence to a comprehensive structure for administering the program. This structure begins with the Chancellor designating a Risk and Safety Manager, who coordinates all components of the program. The College Risk and Safety Manager chairs a college-wide Safety Council, composed of appropriate college-wide and campus/site specific representatives involved in the safety program and deemed by the Chancellor. The function of the Safety Council is to address all components of the college-wide safety program and make policy and procedural recommendations for improvements on an ongoing basis.

Campus/Site Implementation

The program’s College-wide structure is extended to and managed across all campuses and sites by each Campus Executive Dean/Site Administrator, who is responsible for working with the College Risk and Safety Manager and overseeing a comprehensive safety program on his/her campus or site. To accomplish this, each year a Campus/Site Safety Committee is established to ensure input on safety and loss prevention from all operational units of the College. These committees are chaired by the Campus Executive Dean/Site Administrator or his/her designated representative. The Campus Executive Dean/ Site Administrator or his/her designated representative shall also serve as the Campus/Site Safety Program Coordinator. Committee membership includes Division Deans or designees, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Dean/ Site Administrator; representatives from Campus Police, Maintenance, and Central Utilities, if applicable; the campus/site SGA President; and others recommended by the Campus Executive Dean/Site Administrator.

Components of the Safety Program

As the safety of College’s constituents is affected by various components associated with potential threats, specific components of the College’s comprehensive safety program have been identified through associated external regulations. The College is diligent in working toward maintaining full compliance and adherence to all related laws and regulations. Each specific component of the Comprehensive Safety Program follows the structure set forth above in administering each of the respective component programs. The following includes the components of the comprehensive safety program and respective policy and procedures for full implementation.

Safety Tips

Here are some suggestions to keep you safe while on campus at Delgado:

  • When working late, make sure doors are locked.
  • Avoid using stairs in remote areas of the building.
  • Never prop doors open.
  • Keep belongings in an area that can be locked up, such as a desk or cabinet.
  • So not hold doors open for strangers when the building is closed for the evening.
  • Let others know where you are when working late.
  • Use the Safe Escort Services provided by the University Police to walk you to your vehicle.
  • Think of the “what ifs” and have a plan in mind.
  • Do not be distracted while walking or jogging.
  • Office personnel should have a plan in place for emergencies such as angry or volatile persons or domestic violation situations.
  • Always roll your windows up and lock your car.
  • Don’t leave valuables in plain view. Items left in the open attract thieves. Store them in the trunk if necessary.
  • Engrave expensive accessories, such as car stereos and speaker systems, with your driver’s license number. This aids the police in tracing the stolen items.
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
  • Install an antitheft device that is highly visible, hard to defeat and renders the car inoperable.
  • Drop a business card or address label in the map pockets of your doors.
  • Don’t hide a spare key.
  • Don’t leave important papers such a bank statements, credit card statements, and other important documents in your car.
  • Photocopy your registration and insurance information and keep it in a safe place other your vehicle.
  • Most importantly, be crime wise. Think of what you can do to protect your belongings ahead of time before you become a victim. Don’t become complacent.
  • If you find your car has been burglarized, contact the Delgado Campus Police Department immediately and try not to touch the vehicle. The more you touch your vehicle, the more you contaminate the crime scene.

If you are confronted by an armed robber:

  • Do not resist.
  • Look at the robber but do not stare. This will enable you to provide a description to the police later.
  • Assure the robber you are complying with his or her demands.
  • Move slowly – avoid quick movements.
  • Carry only as much cash and credit cards as you will need for the occasion.
  • Take a cab to move about the city or travel in groups.
  • Report any incidents to the University Police Department or if off campus to the local law enforcement authorities.

If you live in a residence hall or apartment, remember:

  • Always lock your door when taking a nap, shower, retiring for the evening, or leaving your residence.
  • Never hold or prop open the door to the residence hall or apartment.
  • Secure valuables when leaving your residence.

Protecting yourself against sexual assault:

  • If you are being victimized by a person who is attempting to sexually assault you, take the following steps to stop the assault from progressing. Remember that the goal is survival.
  • Stall for time. Figure out your options. Each situation is different. Decide if you will fight, try to talk your way out of the assault, scream, or, if necessary for your survival, submit.
  • If you fight, hit hard and fast. Target the eyes and groin.
  • Try to dissuade the attacker from continuing. Tell him you have a sexually transmitted disease, tell him you are menstruating, urinate, vomit, or do anything to discourage the attacker.

Protecting yourself against stalking:

  • In recent years society has become more aware of the dangers of stalking. Stalking, under Louisiana law, is repeated harassment that could or does cause the victim to feel intimidated, threatened, or frightened. While it is difficult to prevent stalking from occurring, you can take steps to prevent it from continuing.
  • If you are a victim of stalking, report this to Campus Police or local police department, even if you do not know if you will be filing charges.
  • Gather information to help your case, such as taped recordings of threatening phone calls, license plate state and number, description of vehicle, a personal description, and a detailed listing of any contacts the stalker makes with you.
  • Follow up in court. Take out an anti-stalking order at your local circuit court, and/or file a civil lawsuit against the stalker for damages resulting from the stalker’s behavior.
  • If the stalking continues after the anti-stalking order has been sent, contact the police. No method of crime prevention is guaranteed to work 100 percent of the time. However, in taking these steps, you are removing the opportunity from would be criminals, and you will be less likely to be victimized. Be smart. Learn these steps, and make them a habit in your life.

Protect yourself from date rape drugs:

  • Never leave your drink unattended. Date rape drugs can be slipped into any type of drink and they are odorless.
  • Do not accept drinks from strangers.
  • Watch bartenders pour your drink.
  • Attend parties and bars with friends who will be with you throughout the evening.
  • Have a designated driver arranged before going out to a party. The designated driver doesn’t consume any alcohol or illegal substances.
  • If you think your drink has been tampered with, seek medical attention right away and request the hospital conduct a toxicology test.