Header Two
Vaccination Parade
The Vax Parade Continues. Join the Dolphins "Krewe of Vax" to bring Mardi Gras Back.
May 19, 2021 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
City Park Campus | Student Life Center
615 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119
Co-sponsored by Delgado, Ochsner Health, and the Braveheart Foundation—an official Bring Back Louisiana vaccination event supported by the Louisiana Department of Health.
This event is open to Delgado students, employees, family members and the community--ages
16 and older. The second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be administered to individuals
that received the vaccination on April 28,2021. New krewe members are welcomed for the first dose. Registration is requested (not
COVID-19 Vaccine | Ochsner Health
or call 1-844-888-2772