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Student Organizations
Why participate in student organizations?
Student organizations can be a great way to get involved and make new friends. What's in it for you?
- Create community for you
- Get connected to campus resources
- Discover and try out new interests
- Build your resume and learn important life skills
- Get better grades and graduate sooner
- Have fun
Find students, faculty, and staff members that share your interests by joining a student organization. Co-curricular activities and organizations are important to student growth and development. Numerous departmental, honorary, service, and special interest organizations have been developed in response to student inquiries. Officers of all student organizations must have at least a 2.0 grade point average and be enrolled as full-time or part-time students. This applies to all members of student organizations, unless otherwise specified by the organization's constitution.
Access the student organizations guide.
Interested in joining a student organization?
Three types of organizations offered at Delgado. Divisional-organized to promote student interest in a field of study. Honorary-membership is based on scholastic achievement. Specialty-organized to foster interest in a particular area of specialization.
ChemClub gives students a unique opportunity to experience chemistry beyond the classroom. Students engage in activities that enhance their understanding of the science, get them involved in the community, and help them better appreciate how chemistry plays a role in our everyday lives.April Noble; Marcus Etienne
Advisors: April Noble, anoble@dcc.edu, and Marcus Etienne, metien@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Biology club is open to all students at all campuses that are interested in the life sciences. We are focused on field trips, service work, hosting guest speakers, and exploring all aspects of biology around us.
**Currently trying to reestablish. Contact Student Life for more information.
This organization shall operate for the benefit of all students, faculty, staff and alumni participating in cading software development on any of our campuses. It will promote an inclusive, supportive and diverse software development environment.
Advisor: Claude Richard, kricha1@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Student organization for students enrolled in the Computer Aided Design and Drafting Associate of Applied Science degree program.
Advisor: Alcia Zimmerman, azimme1@dcc.edu
Sidney Collier Site
To provide leadership skills in managing a student organization. To recognize and promote a need to get the students involved in educational service learning activities on campus as well as in the community. To network with the Business and Industry professionals and alumni. Attend seminars, trade shows, and participate in competitions on a national level. DASO is affiliated with National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB), Homebuilders Association (HBA), CSI, AIAS, NAWIC, and CMAA.
Advisor: Alcia Zimmerman, azimme1@dcc.edu
Sidney Collier Site
DEA (Delgado Education Association) is a strong, well-organized student association of future professionals majoring in Care and Development of Young Children and related professions.
Advisors: Lisa Melson, lmelso@dcc.edu,, and Lydia Goellner, lgoell@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Delgado Gaming Club is open to any student, faculty, and/or staff at Delgado Community College who are interested in gaming, whether as a player of tabletop or video games, and/or as a developer of tabletop or video games.
Advisor: John Denstorff, jdenst@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
SAC is open to students currently enrolled in the Respiratory Care Technology Program. Our mission is to support lung health through participation in walks and fundraising for various lung diseases.
Advisors: Rene Randall and Mavis Larrimer, rspang@dcc.edu or mlarri@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
The Earth and Environmental Science Club is an organization devoted to furthering student involvement, advancement, and interest in the environmental and earth processes that shape the Earth. In addition to monthly meetings, the club will host guest speakers, participate in outreach, and plan service projects for the Delgado community.
Advisors: M. Karen Menge, kmenge@dcc.edu and Jordan Adams, jadams@dcc.edu.
City Park Campus
The Mission of the National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses (NALPN) is to foster high standards of nursing care and promote continued competence through education/certification and lifelong learning, with a focus on public protection. The National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses is committed to: Quality and professionalism in the delivery of nursing care working with other organizations and groups in a cooperative progressive spirit to build strong professional and public relationships. For student membership they can go to NALPN.org
Advisors: Jana Martin, jmarti1@dcc.edu, and Linda Hueshan, lhuesc@dcc.edu
Sidney Collier Site
The purpose of the Pharmacy Technician Student Organization is to offer support and resources to students who are currently enrolled in, or who have completed, the Delgado Community College Pharmacy Technician program.
Advisor: Anne LaVance, alavan@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
PNSAD - Students enrolled in the practical nursing program may apply for membership
Advisors: Nelica Alexis, nalexi@dcc.edu
Sidney Collier Site
SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.
Advisor: Chris McDonald, cmcdon@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
The Delgado Theatre Club is a student led, student driven organization that offers Theatre majors and non-majors an opportunity to participate in the production aspects of the theatrical arts including the technical fields, performance, and administrative responsibilities while promoting a diverse, supportive, and fun community. The Theater Club is for anyone interested in drama, comedy, musicals, acting, dance, costumes, backstage, set design, and lighting work. The club also promotes field trips to other theater groups. Membership is open to all students in all majors.
Advisor: James Means, jmeans@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
The club is linked to the National organization NAVTA. Students accepted into the Veterinary technology program that pay club dues can join the club.
Advisor: Jennifer Limon, jlimon@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Delta Psi Omega, the National Theatre Honor Society, was organized as a theatre honor society for the purpose of providing cknowledgment to those demonstrating a high standard of accomplishment in theatre. DPO requires work onstage and backstage, plus an overall 2.5 GPA.
Advisor: Kristopher Lamorte, klamor@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
National honor society for the radiologic and imaging sciences. Fosters academic scholarship at the highest academic levels. Promotes research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences. Recognizes exemplary scholarship.
Advisor: Tammy Kliebert tklieb@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society is a non-profit organization that is recognized by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). PTK members can apply for transferable scholarship opportunities to four-year colleges and universities. Eligible students are sent invitations via e-mails and the mail.
Advisors: Kim Russell, krusse@dcc.edu, and Emily Clay, eclay@dcc.edu
City Park, West Bank, River City Campuses, and Sidney Collier Site
Social Media: @ptkomeganudcc
Charity School of Nursing Honor Society, admission by invitation only having earned the required GPA.
Advisors: Shannon Perkins and Mia Woodroof, sperki@dcc.edu or mwoodr@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
The Delgado Student Honors Council organizes co- and extra-curricular activates related to honors education. It also serves, along with the Faculty Honors Council, in an advisory capacity to the academic honors program.
Advisor: Steven Edwards, sedwar@dcc.edu
City Park and West Bank Campuses, Sidney Collier Site
Social Media: @DCCHonors
**Currently trying to reestablish. Contact Student Life for more information.
CASN, Charity Association of Student Nurses, is the local chapter of the national and Louisiana student nurse organizations of the American Nurses Association. Its primary mission is to introduce student nurses to nursing as a profession. Activities include many community service events, orienting new students to the professional behaviors of nurses.
Advisors: Carol Leefe, cleefe@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
For information, contact Ana Wilson, awilso@dcc.edu
Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA)
GSA is an organization for LGBTQ+ students and their allies. Our mission is to create
a safe, supportive community, to provide opportunities for social interaction, and
to promote LGBTQ+ awareness and visibility on campus.
Advisors: Abbey Wallig, awalli@dcc.edu, Audra Rouse, arouse@dcc.edu, and Daphne Loney, dloney@dcc.edu.
City Park Campus
Social Media: @dccgsa
The Student Government Association represents the students’ voices while supporting the academic mission of the College. This is done by providing vital co-curricular activities that enhance individual student development. We also promote participation in self-governance and uphold the high standards of education at Delgado Community College.
Advisor: Allie Johnson (College-wide & Westbank), ajohns6@dcc.edu, Brian Rosenthal, brosen@dcc.edu (City Park); TBD (Sidney Collier)
Social Media: @delgadosgacitypark and @dccsga
Spectrum is a multicultural nursing student organization that is dedicated to empowering students from all backgrounds. Spectrum members are engaged in leadership development, networking, equality, mentoring, and community outreach. Membership is open to all Delgado students.
Advisor: Shena Sanders, ssande@dcc.edu, Deidre Cloud, dcloud@dcc.edu Andrea Murdock, amurdo@dcc.edu & Nelcia Alexis, nalexi@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Membership in this organization shall be open to any students at Delgado Community College who are interested in fine arts and/or following the curriculum for the fine arts concentration.
Advisors: Brenda Hanegan bhaneg@dcc.edu
City Park Campus