SGA Elections

 SGA Elections will be held

March 25, 26, & 27, 2025

2025-2026 Academic Year

Available SGA Positions:

City Park Campus


Vice President of Policy

Vice President of Social Affairs

Executive Secretary of Records

Sidney Collier Campus

Vice President of Sidney Collier

Westbank Campus


Vice President of Social Affairs

Executive Secretary of Records

All Campus Locations



Application must be completed online at the link below. Application will be available starting on Monday, February 3rd and will be due Friday, February 21, 2025 no later than 11:59pm.

STEP 1: Complete your Campus Qualifications application packet online.

STEP 2: Applications will only be accepted electronically via the application link. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

STEP 3: Attend qualifications meeting. Zoom links will be sent to qualifying candidates and commissioners.

  • Virtual Candidate Meeting - Thursday, February 27 at 3:30pm 

Election Commissioners

All Executive Board candidates must select a currently enrolled student to serve as their election commissioner. 
  • Election Commissioners shall consist of one (1) representative for each candidate filing for an Executive Board position.
  • The name and telephone number of the Commissioner must be submitted upon filing to run for office.
  • The Commissioner will not be allowed to wear or distribute any campaign materials on election days.
  • Any violation by a Commissioner will result in the automatic dismissal of the Commissioner.
  • Commissioner must attend the Candidates meeting.
  • Must be present when votes are tallied.

Qualifications for Candidates 

Qualifications for Executive Board Candidates

  1. All Executive Board candidates shall be currently enrolled and remain enrolled for the duration of their office as a degree seeking student in a minimum of nine (9) credit hours at Delgado Community College.
  2. Candidate shall have earned at least twelve (12) credit hours at Delgado Community College.
  3. All candidates shall, at time of filing for office, have an accumulated and overall grade point average (GPA) of two point five (2.5).
  4. It is preferred for Executive Board candidates to have been either an SGA Senator for one academic term or an officer of another Student Campus Organization for one academic term who has attended meetings and SGA events or SGA committee member who attended SGA meetings and SGA events. By default, if no one meets this qualification, any student may run for these positions.

Qualifications for Senators:

  1. Candidate shall be currently enrolled at their respective Delgado Community College Campus as defined by the regulations of this College and the SGA Campus Constitution at the time of filing for and during the term of office.
  2. Candidate shall, at the time of filing for office, have accumulated an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 as certified by the campus Registrar.
  3. Candidates shall at the time of filing for office have attended one (1) Senate meeting and volunteered for one (1) SGA event.

Qualifications for ALL SGA members:

  1. No person shall have at the time of filing for office, inauguration, and during the period of office, any record of academic or disciplinary action.
  2. A copy of a valid picture ID.
  3. All candidates must attend the Candidates’ Meeting before campaigning can begin. 
  4. Incomplete packets will not be accepted.
  5. All candidates must submit a 50-word essay explaining their qualifications and the reason they feel they are the most qualified person for the position.
  6. All candidates shall submit with application three (3) letters of recommendation from Staff, Faculty, or Community Leaders.

Click to Apply  

Campaign Regulations

Campaigning cannot begin until each candidate attends the candidates' meeting.

Please carefully read the following guidelines and regulations. Any candidate found in violation of one or more of the following regulations may be disqualified at the discretion of the Election Board.

  1. Campaign literature and signs promoting a student’s candidacy will not be distributed or posted on campus until the student has qualified to be a candidate.
  2. All campaign materials & methods must be appropriate in manner and approved by the Office of Student Life/SGA advisor. Everything not approved will be discarded.
  3. Each Candidate can only hang-up:
    1. 20 total (11 x 8 ½) fliers (City Park), 15 total (11 x 8 ½) fliers (West Bank & Sidney Collier) 
    2. Unlimited handout fliers (¼ page or smaller). These handouts can NOT be left in stacks or individually around campus. They are to be handed out.
    3. 10 poster-sized advertisements max for all campuses
    4. 10 yard signs (¼ poster) (City Park and West Bank), no yard signs maybe placed at the Sidney Collier campus
    5. No banners are allowed for any campus.
  4. Candidates or representatives must not interrupt any class without permission from the instructor.
  5. Candidate must take down all signage 24 hours after the close of the elections. Candidates or representatives CANNOT campaign in the computer lab. This includes posters or signs of any kind.
  6. No SGA equipment or assets (printers, fliers, paper, etc.) can be used by any of the candidates.
  7. Campaigning by non-students (family members, friends, etc.) is strictly forbidden.
  8. Total campaign expenditures in elections will not exceed $300.
  9. Each candidate must submit an itemized list of all campaign materials and expenditures, with verifiable receipts upon request by the Election Board. The request by the Elections Board must be made prior to the certification of the winners.
  10. All campaign materials will be in accordance with Delgado Community College regulations. No flyers or posters or other campaign material shall be placed on the glass, walls or entry ways. Materials shall only be placed on designated bulletin boards around campus.
  11. Proof of any slander or libel by any candidate will result in immediate disqualification.
  12. No active campaigning can occur in any Delgado Computer labs. Candidates will be penalized for any campaigning done on behalf of their campaign (friends campaigning on behalf of candidates will disqualify the candidate!).
  13. No one is allowed to send email “blasts” thru Delgado Email in support or opposition of a candidate.
  14. No unofficial Polling stations are allowed. Unofficial polling stations are defined as using or setting–up any personal or Delgado device that access the internet to collect or encourage multiple votes.
  15. Any suspected violation must be reported in writing within 24 hours of the violation to the Office of Student Life via email to NO handwritten reports will be accepted.

Remember to register to vote in local, state, and federal elections. Visit Geaux Vote LA for more information.