River City - Advanced Manufacturing

Here are the program offerings at Delgado's River City Site and Advanced Manufacturing Center:

Current Programs

Workforce Development Training (Non-Credit)

Welding Upgrade Training

This open entry/open exit, 12-week program offers semi-skilled welders the opportunity to enhance their existing welding skills and learn new welding processes so they may advance in their welding careers, or get a better job that pays more. 

Learn more about Welding Upgrade Training.

OSHA 10-Hour Safety Training

The OSHA 10-Hour training for the general industry course includes several topics related to general industry work such as personal protective equipment, flammable and combustible liquids, machine guarding, lockout tagout procedures and more.

Learn more about OSHA 10-Hour Safety Training.

Millwright Training

Millwrights work in factories, power plants and other industrial settings to move, assemble, install or dismantle machinery. Students in Delgado's Millwright Training Program will earn four nationally recognized credentials from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and will also receive OSHA 10 Safety Certification.

Learn more about Millwright Training..

Mechatronics Aprenticeship Training

The Mechatronics Apprenticeship Training Program’s curriculum is designed to enhance and prepare each apprentice to be fully qualified in multiple aspects of advanced manufacturing technology. The two-year commitment will provide both technical classroom instruction and on-the-job training using an earn-while-you-learn model with training costs covered completely by the employer.

Learn more about Mechatronics Aprenticeship Training

For-Credit Training 

Precision Machining, C.T.S.

The Precision Machining program prepares individuals to shape metal parts on machines such as lathes, grinders, drill presses, and milling machines. A certificate of technical studies (C.T.S.) program will be offered through the Technical Division.

See the Precision Machining, C.T.S. curriculum in the official college catalog.

Future Programs

Workforce Development Training (Non-Credit)

  • Welding (available with spanish speaking instructors)
  • Alumninum Welding
  • NCCER Core
  • Marine Diesel
  • Robotics
  • Mechatronics

For-Credit Training

Instrumentation and Controls, A.A.S.

Instrumentation and Control is a rigorous study of the common operating processes found in industrial plants. The program prepares students for high skill, high wage jobs needed in the manufacturing industry. Upon graduation from the program, students are prepared to enter the employment market as entry-level process control and instrumentation operators for a specialty career in a strong job market. An Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S) program will be offered through the Business and Technology Division.

See the Instrumentation and Controls, A.A.S. curriculum in the official college catalog.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), C.T.S.

The purpose of the Welding Program is to prepare individuals for employment in the field of welding. Instruction is provided in various processes and techniques of welding including oxyfuel cutting, carbon arc cutting, shielded metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, flux-cored arc welding, gas metal arc welding, pipe-welding, plasma arc cutting, blueprint reading, weld symbols, and joints. A certificate of technical studies (C.T.S.) program will be offered through the Technical Division.

See the Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), C.T.S. curriculum in the official college catalog. 

Industrial Maintenance Technology, C.T.S.

The Industrial Maintenance Technology Program prepares students to install, adjust, troubleshoot, and repair a variety of industrial machinery used in manufacturing settings. Technicians may work in factories that manufacture, finish, or assemble many different types of products. A certificate of technical studies (C.T.S.) program will be offered through the Technical Division.

See the Industrial Maintenance Technology, C.T.S. curriculum in the offiical college catalog.


Main Number: 504-342-3400

Delgado River City Site and Advanced Manufacturing Center
709 Churchill Parkway
Avondale, LA 70094

Patricia Marshall
504-342-3420 or pmarsh@dcc.edu