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Alumni and Friends
Charity graduates know that there are no friends like the friends you make in nursing
school. So our Alumni Association is committed to keeping those friendships alive,
as well supporting current students at Charity School of Nursing.
Established in 1916, the Charity Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association provides an invaluable link between Charity’s rich past and her exciting future. CHSNAA provides thousands of dollars in scholarships to Charity students every year, hosts a luncheon for the Seniors on Professional Issues Day each semester, provides funds for student activities such as state and national conventions, and we give emergency assistance to students experiencing medical, family or personal crises.
We host annual luncheons and breakfasts for alumni to renew old friendships and to introduce new graduates to our organization. We raise money to restore and preserve the nursing school’s extensive collection of historical artifacts, photographs and artwork. We publish two annual newsletters, The White Cap and the Alumni News, keeping in touch with thousands of Charity graduates living around the world.
Please visit our website, or contact our office, to learn more about the CHSN Alumni Association. You can find out about our upcoming events, order souvenirs, update your contact information, and pay your membership dues. Check out our Facebook page and find current news from the school and your classmates.
Join the CHSN Alumni Association and help us insure that the Charity spirit will always live on!
CHSN Alumni Association
615 City Park Avenue
New Orleans, LA. 70119
Telephone: 504-571-1395
E-mail address: chsnaaoffice@gmail.com
Website: www.charityalumni.org
Facebook page: Charity Alumni NOLA