About Delgado Online

Initially, an informal ad hoc structure in 2007, Delgado Community College moved toward a formal structure for offering online courses and programs by creating the College’s Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (DLIT) Division. Delgado Community College is a comprehensive community college, offering programs through certification and the Associate degree.

In 2021, Delgado Community College updated its Distance Learning and Instructdional Technology Division and renamed the division as Instructional Technology, Support, and Professional Development. The Instructional Technology, Support, and Professional Development (ITSPD) department works in conjunction with students, faculty, and staff in designing and maintaining instructional technology in the traditional, virtual, and online classroom environments.  

Our goal is to create learning opportunities for everyone to succeed at Delgado Community College through excellent support, informational resources, integration of technology in the classroom environment, training, and professional development.   We offer students, faculty and staff training and professional development to uphold student learning and success as a foundational value.

Delgado Community College’s online programs are designed thorough a collaboration between the College’s Instructional Technology, Support, and Professional Development department and faculty members throughout the College. The ITSPD office consists of a faculty, student, and staff support team specializing in all aspects of online education. ITSPD provides suport for curriculum and instructional design, student, faculty and staff training, student, faculty and staff professional development, LMS support,  and support for emerging and innovative teaching and learning practices.

Initially, online learning represented another delivery mode: face-to-face (in-person), hybrid (part in-person, part at a distance), and online (web-based and at a distance). Delgado Community College’s academic divisions are now focusing on the development of fully online and enhanced hybrid programs to meet the requirements of both traditional and non-traditional students who need flexible schedules and/or accelerated pace to completing their academic goals. To that end, ITSPD serves as a resource for the faculty seeking to develop online programs that reflect high quality in both engagement and rigor. The support team within the ITSPD strives to provide prompt and attentive assistance to students, faculty, and staff throughout Delgado Community College.

Contact Information

Division Phone: 504-671-5541
Division email: itspd@dcc.edu
City Park Campus
Martin Hall, Building 6
617 City Park Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119

Faculty and Staff

Angela Camaille
Director, Instructional Technology, Support, and Professional Development
Professor of Philosophy

Emily Clay
Professional Development Coordinator
Professor of English

Yondell Griffin
Instructional Support and Professional Development Specialist

Stephanie Davis
Online Student Support Specialist - Student Laptop Loan, Hotspot Loan, and Faculty Technology Device Loan

Andy Loar
Open Lab and Instructional Technology Coordinator

Sandra Duque
West Bank Open Lab Assistant

Kelly Perrin
Instructional Technology Coordinator and Project Manager

Chase Lawson
Assistant to the Director

Cong Mai (Part-time)
Student Open Lab

Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig (Part-time)
Canvas Tier 2 Support
3rd-party LMS Integration
Professor of Biology