Winter Session

Earn Transferable Credits
Student at a computer registering for classes

During the Winter Break

Register Oct 28 - Dec 9
Classes Run Dec 12 – Jan 10


Delgado courses easily transfer to most 4 year colleges.


Delgado Community College is joining a growing number of American colleges and universities providing opportunities for intensive study between fall and spring terms. Delgado's Winter Session is designed to provide students with a wide range of educational opportunities to concentrate on a single area of study or master a skill, enrich study beyond the normal curriculum, lighten fall or spring semester academic loads, accelerate academic progress, or remain on schedule for graduation.

Prospective students must understand that Winter Intersession course content and rigor are comparable to those of other semesters and that the short term requires intensive study. 

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Who is eligible to enroll in a Winter Session?
Continuing and new students are encouraged to enroll in Delgado's Winter Session. New Students must apply to the Winter Session. 

Is a payment plan available for Winter Session?
Yes.  We offer a payment plan that will allow you to split your Winter Session balance into 2 installments. The first payment is due upon enrollment along with a non-refundable enrollment fee of $30.  The final payment is due on January 1.

Can I use financial aid for Winter Session?
If you are taking Winter Session courses at Delgado, you may qualify for financial aid. Winter Session Financial aid will be part of your Fall Financial Aid award. If you received financial aid for 12 or more credit hours in the Fall Payment Period at Delgado or ANOTHER institution you will NOT have financial aid available for Winter Session. All financial aid documents must be submitted by December 4th.

How many courses may I take during Winter Session?
A typical full Winter Session course load is one course. However, you may take a science course and its associated one hour lab course for example BIOL 141 General Biology I (3 Credit Hours) and BIOL 143 General Biology I Lab (1 Credit Hour). 

Will any academic support services be available during the Winter Session?
Unfortunately, the tutoring facilities are closed during the Winter Session for regular maintenance and improvements.

How can I earn the same number of credits in three weeks that usually take 16?
Intersession courses are compressed. That means that you will master the same content that usually takes much longer.  An intersession course is a serious commitment for a student. Students should expect to spend several hours a day on intersession coursework, and must adhere strictly to deadlines and timetables for completion of assignments and assessments. In a three week session, there is no time to catch up if you get behind.

When will my grades be made available?
Wednesday January 12 - 4:30 p.m. - Final grades due