
The processing and safeguarding of information is a major area of concern around the world. Living in a digital society this matter is not only of major concern to national security, the business industry, higher education and the like, but to each of us as well. Here at Delgado, we must also be vigilant in our efforts to protect ourselves and our technology resources. 

To that end, please be assured that the Office of Information Technology (OIT) takes the safeguarding of information and cyber threats very seriously. With limited financial resources, a multi-layered approach to protecting the College’s information and technology resources is being utilized. This approach includes, but is not limited to, antivirus software, firewalls, intrusion detection software and appliances, data encryption and more. 

With the college-wide computer replacement initiative, all of the replacement desktops come equipped withMicrosoft Office 2016 and the Windows 10 operating system which requires users to encrypt electronic media using BitLocker before files can be saved to it. According to page-10 of the Louisiana Office of Technology Services Information Security Policy, electronic media is defined as electronic and storage media including tapes, disks, CDs, cassettes, DVDs, USB drives, removable storage devices and portable computing equipment. Please be advised that in an effort to safeguard information and to keep the college compliant, OIT intends to enforce the Encryption policy with the exception of multimedia podiums. More information relating to data encryption is located within the Encryption policy section on page-33 of the document.

Please note that OIT has thoroughly tested the data encryption process on computers installed with Windows 7 through Windows 10. It was found that if you have a USB device with corrupted data on it, several things may occur: 1) it may abort the encryption process, 2) it may stop just that file from being encrypted or 3) in very rare cases, the drive may be rendered unusable.

Important Points to Remember

When Encryption is Required

If you decide to save content to an electronic media device

If you forget your encryption password, contact the OIT Helpdesk at 504-671-5500, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

When Encryption is Not Required

  1. For multimedia podiums (encryption should be disabled on all podiums. If encryption is activated on a podium, please report it to the OIT Helpdesk);
  2. If you do not plan to save content to an electronic media device;
  3. If you opt to create and save content to Delgado OneDrive for Business.

First time users: Download instructions on how to setup Delgado OneDrive for Business.

Advantages of Using Delgado OneDrive for Business

  1. Eliminates the use of electronic media to store sensitive college data.
  2. Employees can create and save work files to the desktop or online version of Delgado OneDrive for Business and access those files anytime, anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection.

How to Send Encrypted Emails in Outlook

Forgot your encryption password?

Encryption activated on a podium?