Multi-Factor Authentication for Email

With the continued increase and sophistication of cyberattacks, and the reality that no organization is immune, the importance of information security in organizations cannot be overstated. Therefore, Delgado Community College is implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional layer of protection for your Delgado email account when you log in to the Outlook Web App or are working remotely utilizing a mobile device such as a laptop, tablet, or cell phone. This feature will add an extra verification step to the email login process to ensure that you are who you say you are! *Note: When using the Outlook Desktop Client from your office computer, you will not be prompted to use two-factor authentication (MFA). This is because your office computer has a secure connection (hard-wired) to the Delgado network.   

Why do I need MFA?

When you log in to the Outlook Web App or are working remotely on a mobile device, you must use a password to authenticate to your Delgado email account. If you only use a password to authenticate, it leaves your account vulnerable to attack. If the password is weak or has been exposed elsewhere, an attacker could be using it to gain access. When you require a second form of authentication, security is increased because this additional factor isn't easy for an attacker to obtain or duplicate.

How does MFA work?

MFA works by requiring the following two authentication methods:

  • A password.
  • A trusted device that's not easily duplicated, like a cellphone.

The verification prompts are part of the sign-in process, which automatically requests and processes the MFA challenge when needed.  When users sign in to an application or service and receive an MFA prompt, they can choose from two verification methods.

  • SMS – which will send a code to your registered cellular device.
  • Voice Call – which will call your registered phone.

MFA increases security, provides more control over who has access to your files, significantly reduces password vulnerabilities, and meets our regulatory requirements.

Is MFA required?

Yes, MFA is required for all Delgado Faculty and Staff as mandated by the LCTCS.

What are my next steps?

You do not need to take any action. However, you can use the below links to preview screen captures of what you will likely encounter when logging in to your Delgado email account via the Outlook Web App (OWA) or from a remote work location utilizing a mobile device.

Login to OWA from an Android

Login to OWA from an Office Computer

Login to OWA from an iPhone

Login to the Outlook Desktop Client from a Laptop

MFA Tips

If you have any technology related issues, please contact the OIT Help Desk at or 504-671-5500.